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What will the price prediction of Ethereum Classic be in 2024?

As per our price prediction of Ethereum Classic, ETC could reach 100USD by August 2024. What will the price prediction of ETC will be at 2030? As per the crypto prediction tool we used, ETC must be priced at somewhere in between $250 to $280 by 2030.

What is the average etc price in 2023?

The average ETC price will be $43.21 throughout 2023, possibly reaching a maximum of $61.35. The minimum ETC price will be $43.21, which is significantly higher than the maximum ETC price predicted for 2022. After the bear market is over, the bullish run is expected to continue through 2024.

What will happen to home sales in 2023?

The deceleration in home sales is likely to continue as high home prices and mortgage rates limit the pool of eligible home buyers. We anticipate that existing home sales will decline another 14.1% in 2023, registering an annual total of 4.5 million, their lowest since 2012 (4.66 million).

How much is etc worth in 2021?

At the beginning of 2021, ETC showed signs of an upward trend. The coin quickly gained value again and, on May 6, 2021, it set a new all-time high at $176.16. Two weeks later, the ETC price dropped to $69.73. For the next months and until October 2021, the price of this coin has remained mostly over $50.

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